$Unique_ID{BRK01942} $Pretitle{} $Title{Diabetes: Not a New Disease} $Subject{Diabetes diabetic diabetics Disease diseases cause causes caused environment environmental insulin treat treatment treatments mellitus die died dead death deaths urine develop development genetic Genetics inherit inheritance heredity Life style obese obesity fat immune system auto cell cells} $Volume{} $Log{ Diabetes Mellitus*0009802.scf Structure of the Pancreas*0009801.scf The Functions of Insulin*0009803.scf} Copyright (c) 1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Diabetes: Not a New Disease ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: Many new diseases have been discovered even during the short time I have walked on this earth, and although I can remember diabetes making the headlines during my youth, it seems that it too was discovered in this century. Isn't it possible that the true cause of diabetes is in the same environmental changes that now seem to be at the base of so many diseases doctors treat today? I would very much like to know your point of view on this, for I believe you are interested in such things. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Indeed there was great news about diabetes early in this century when Frederick Banting, a research physician at the University of Toronto, and one of the medical students attending there, Charles Best, discovered insulin in 1921. Insulin became the first effective treatment for the disease "diabetes mellitus", which until that time was a condition that led to wasting and death. But diabetes has been known for hundreds of years, and its name reveals the keen observation of the physicians of ancient Greece. They observed that diabetics drank a great deal, and urinated frequently, as if the water just passed through them. Something like a "siphon", they thought, and that is the derivation of the word "diabetes". "Mellitus" comes from a Latin version of the Greek word for "honey". In the days before sensitive tests for the presence of sugar in the urine or blood, physicians relied on their sense of taste, and diagnosed the disease from the sweet flavor of a diabetic's urine. There are many factors which lead to the development of the disease. Genetics and inheritance are certainly two of the most important contributing essentials. Life style and obesity can often be the precipitating factors, and it now seems that the immune system may be involved as well, as an auto immune condition may be at the root of destruction of the cells which normally produce insulin. But the history of the disease, and its presence in ancient times, speaks against the theory that is simply the result of environmental changes of our modern world. It is however, a most important health problem as an estimated 13 to 15 million Americans have diabetes, with a cost to society of about $20.4 billion a year in lost time from work, plus the additional costs of medical care and Social Security disability payments. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.