$Unique_ID{BRK01940} $Pretitle{} $Title{Diabetes and Exercise: A Safe Combination?} $Subject{Diabetes diabetics Exercise exercises Safe disease diseases benefit benefits risk risks danger dangers type II non-insulin dependent insulin sugar sugars oral medication medications weight diabetic I insulin-dependent glucose heart lungs muscle muscles dose dosage schedule energy activity activities blood monitor monitoring nerves blood vessel vessels Aerobic aerobics jog jogging walk walking resistance lifting lift} $Volume{} $Log{ Diabetes Mellitus*0009802.scf Exercise has Overall Benefits*0003209.scf Exercise Improves Kidney Function*0003208.scf Exercise Increases Metabolism*0003205.scf Structure of the Pancreas*0009801.scf The Functions of Insulin*0009803.scf} Copyright (c) 1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Diabetes and Exercise: A Safe Combination? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I have seen exercise touted as being of benefit for many situations and diseases, particularly in preventing heart problems. But what can you tell me about exercise and diabetes? Do I run a chance of more risk than benefits from starting to get out and around a jogging track now? I am 53, and have had diabetes for just two years. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: I must answer your question with an "it depends" perspective, for much depends upon you and your history. If you have type II diabetes (non-insulin dependent), exercise can help increase the effectiveness of the insulin you produce in your body, and help control your sugar levels. In fact, it may reduce your need for insulin or oral medications completely. It can also be a valuable aid in reducing weight, an important consideration in a diabetic. Some people with a family history of diabetes, and thus an increased risk for developing the condition, can prevent its evolution, and avoid it completely. Individuals with type I (insulin-dependent) may lower the amounts of insulin needed to control their levels of blood glucose. All that in addition to the benefits that you already know about, to heart, lungs and muscles. If you are taking insulin, your dosage and schedule may have to be modified as you change the amount of energy you use for your activities. Regular home blood monitoring, both before and after exercise, and frequent consultations with your physician can provide you with the information to calculate any changes you may require. You state you are but recently afflicted with this condition, so the possibility of some of the long term complications of diabetes in your case seems remote. However, in others, this requires some serious consideration, and the presence of some complications, such as may occur to nerves and blood vessels, would place restrictions on an exercise program. Aerobic exercise, jogging or walking, is better than resistance exercise, such as weight lifting. Starting a directed exercise program now, during the early stages of your diabetes, may win important benefits to you in the long run. Check with your physician to be sure you start out on the right foot. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.