$Unique_ID{BRK01938} $Pretitle{} $Title{What Effect Will D.E.S. Have on My Baby?} $Subject{Effect effects D.E.S. Baby babies child children cervix cervical cancer cancers survive survived survivor diethylstilbestrol synthetic estrogen miscarriage miscarriages glandular tissue tissues vagina vaginal adenosis cancerous hormone hormones pregnant pregnancy medication medications drug drugs PAP smear} $Volume{} $Log{ Diseases of the Female Reproductive System*0009001.scf} Copyright (c) 1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. What Effect Will D.E.S. Have on My Baby? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I am a 37 year old D.E.S. baby. No complaints, I don't like the alternative. I am also a cervical cancer survivor. My doctor said I showed the classical symptoms of a D.E.S baby. My question is this, will my mother's use of D.E.S. have any effect on my daughter as it does on myself? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: D.E.S. (or diethylstilbestrol) is a synthetic estrogen. Starting in the late 1940's it was used by physicians for pregnant women who seemed in danger of losing their babies by miscarriage. About 1971, as some of these children grew to maturity, it was discovered that many of them had developed a problem where glandular tissue normally found in the cervix was found in the wall of the vagina instead (vaginal adenosis). Frequently this tissue turned cancerous, and these same women were also found to be more likely to develop cancer of the cervix. They became known as D.E.S. babies when the link between the condition and their mother's use of D.E.S. was identified. However, it is clear that the abnormality developed because the mother was using the hormone during the pregnancy. Thus there was D.E.S. in the mother's system as the baby was developing. There would be no connection between your daughter and your mother's use of the medication, so that it will not have a direct effect on her. Still, I suppose prudence dictates regular checkups for her, as well as PAP smears. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.