$Unique_ID{BRK01937} $Pretitle{} $Title{Relief for Itchy Hives?} $Subject{itching itch relieve Relief hive Hives treat treatment treatments dermatographia scratch scratching wheal flare react reaction reactions hive-like hivelike lesion lesions fingernail fingernails skin allergy allergies allergic signs sign antihistamine antihistamines cause causes} $Volume{} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Relief for Itchy Hives? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: My wife is a very modest woman and keeps herself covered even when I am the only one around. Just the other day, however, she experienced a terrible itching, all most all over her back. She couldn't stop scratching herself, with no relief, and finally asked me to help. When I looked at her back it was covered with hives, that actually looked like lines drawn from side to side and up and down her back. What does this mean, and what is the treatment to use to stop the itch? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: You describe, almost as they do in the textbooks, an episode of "dermatographia". When a person with this condition attempts to relieve the intense itching by scratching, a "wheal and flare" reaction takes place, raising hive-like lesions in the area that was scratched. The lines are created because of the action of the fingernails against the skin, and you can actually draw a letter in this manner. That is where the name comes from. In some cases it's the first sign of an allergic reaction, but often occurs with no special cause. It can be controlled with antihistamines, but try to avoid scratching, as that will only make it worse. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.