$Unique_ID{BRK01936} $Pretitle{} $Title{Dealing with Depression} $Subject{deal Dealing depressed Depression restless tired sleep fatigue fatigued symptom symptoms withdraw withdrawn withdrawing irritable irritability child adolescence medical illness illnesses infection infections neurologic disease diseases Parkinson cancer cancers examine examination examinations mental treat treatment treatments psychological antidepressant antidepressants anxiety anxieties fear fears depressive depressives suicide die died dead death deaths accident accidents accidental} $Volume{} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Dealing with Depression ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: My bride of many years is causing me much anguish these days, and I don't know where to turn. While she has always been a loving woman, she has changed. It was gradual at first but now the problem is very noticeable. She won't go out any more, and won't let friends or neighbors visit. She has become a restless sleeper, and always seems so tired. That's when she is not raging around the room, being ugly and angry. She driving me batty. What do you think is wrong with her and what can I do about it? I think I am catching her illness. Please help. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Although a diagnosis of this sort really requires a good history taking session to obtain all the details, you have provided enough information to permit an educated guess that should come quite close to the mark. Your wife seems to be going through a period of depression, and the ever increasing severity of the symptoms means that you will have to do something soon. All of the situations you tell of, restless sleep, fatigue, withdrawing from social activities and friends, and irritability, can be seen in depression. A good medical history could possibly reveal other clues to the depressive state. Certainly if she experienced any episodes of depression in her younger days, in adolescence for example, the probability that this is now her diagnosis is increased. However, depressive symptoms may also be the first warning signs of true medical illnesses, such as chronic infections, neurologic diseases such as Parkinson's and even some types of cancers. Obviously, a thorough medical examination is necessary, and you will have to be the motivating force. It is obvious that your wife's present mental state does not permit her to make all the proper decisions, and she probably won't share your desire for medical care. Yet it is most important, for medical or mental depressions do not disappear on their own. And there are treatments available for both that can dramatically change the picture. A complete workup is the recommended route to establish the diagnosis and dictate the appropriate therapy and treatment. Besides psychological treatment, physicians today have a wide choice of antidepressants which can be tailored to fit almost every situation. Many of them can work their benefits with but a minimum of undesirable side effects. You have two other obligations in this situation. The first is to maintain your own equilibrium. Yes, depression can some times seem to be infectious, as you allow your wife's perceptions of reality to influence your own thinking. Drawn into her shrinking world, bordered by anxiety and fear, you too may be cut off from the social relationships that make for healthy living. You must maintain your contacts with friends and neighbors, or better yet, any members of your family who live close enough to be of help. Many depressives will act more rationally when several people are present, and your task of convincing your wife to seek the care she needs may be accomplished with a bit more ease. The second task is a crucial one. Depression is often linked with ideas of suicide or recurrent thoughts of death. Suicides and even accidents are more common in depressed individuals, and account for a large percentage of deaths. A depressed person can become very cagy in hiding these feelings, or concealing their intent. That puts a caregiver in a very precarious position, as maintaining a constant guard is fatiguing and sometimes impossible. Getting your wife into proper care is therefore a most important priority for her health and yours. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.