$Unique_ID{BRK01905} $Pretitle{} $Title{C & S Test: Purpose and How it Works} $Subject{C & S C&S Test tests tested testing Purpose temperature temperatures infection infections bacteria bacterial Culture cultures sensitive Sensitivity identify identity germ antibiotic antibiotics agar} $Volume{} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. C & S Test: Purpose and How it Works ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: Our youngster recently went through a bad siege, with high temperature and a serious infection. During one examination, the doctor took a swab, and ran it through the back of our son's throat. When he handed it to the nurse he asked her to get a "seeness" test. I have always wondered what that meant, and now that all is well, have time to write and ask you. Can you tell me something about the purpose of this test and how it works? I have been unable to find it in my home medical guide and am most curious. Thank you for your help. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: I must admit I was confused too, until I put things into perspective and kept repeating your name for the test over and over. It finally became clear that you were referring to a bacterial test called a "C and S", an abbreviation for "Culture and Sensitivity". It was used to determine the identity of the germ that was infecting your son, and to establish the most effective antibiotic to fight the infection. The swab is smeared on a material (usually agar) that permits the germs to grow rapidly (culture). They then can be placed on a glass slide, stained and viewed under a microscope to identify them. The agar plate also contains as many as a dozen samples of various antibiotics, carefully arranged around the circumference. When a clear space is observed around an antibiotic sample, it shows that the bacteria can not grow there, and demonstrates that this antibiotic is useful in fighting the infection (sensitivity). ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.