$Unique_ID{BRK01888} $Pretitle{} $Title{What Causes Bed Sores?} $Subject{Bed sore sores bedsore bedsores cause Causes causing treat Treatment treatments old elderly age hospital hospitalize hospitalized bedridden tissue tissues destruction grade I II III IV blister blisters skin muscle muscles bone bones joint joints blood vessel vessels risk risks hazard hazards danger dangers nutrition factor factors sheepskin sheepskins deficiency deficiencies wound wounds home health aide aides bed-sore bed-sores nutrition nutritional skin-ulcer skin-ulcers} $Volume{} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. What Causes Bed Sores? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: This may not be a question that everyone is interested in, but I am desperate for some information, and can't find what I am looking for in any medical book in the library. Could you please help me? What causes bed sores, and what can be done about them? Thank you for your help. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Bed sores usually develop in patients who are elderly, hospitalized and bedridden. They are classified by the amount of tissue destruction that is present, from a grade I where the skin is still intact but reddened, grade II where there is a blister or break in the skin, grade III where the sore has penetrated the skin into muscle and where possible infection is present, to grade IV where the sore involves an exposed bone or joint, frequently with an infection present. When soft body tissue is compressed between the mattress or chair and a hard body tissue (bone) for a long time, the blood vessels in the area are squeezed down, reducing the blood flow to the soft tissues. This can lead to the death of the tissues if the situation continues for any prolonged period. Patients who are confused or stuporous, relatively immobile and incontinent are the most at risk. Poor nutrition is another contributing factor. The treatment will depend upon the severity of the sores and the precipitating causes. In simple cases, merely turning a patient in bed every two hours and using special pressure-relieving bed coverings (such as "sheepskins") may be sufficient. When the condition is more severe, nutritional deficiencies must be treated, infection treated with antibiotics, and the wounds treated. While wet dressings may suffice for grade II sores, surgical intervention is often required for any sore that is more severe. Bedsores are usually very difficult to treat at best, and maybe beyond the abilities of a care provider in the home environment. If that is the situation in your case, perhaps the best advice I can offer is to have the patient seen by your own doctor, who can then make recommendations for proper care. If special techniques or resources are required, they too can be recommended, even if it is just the services of a home health aide to give you some rest from the constant strain this may be making on your own strength and inner reserves. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.