$Unique_ID{BRK01664} $Pretitle{} $Title{Consulting a Physician for Hip Pain During Pregnancy} $Subject{pregnancy hip pain consultation Pregnancies Childbirth pregnant hips unborn child pelvis obstetrician obstetricians consultations baby babies consult consults} $Volume{K-23,W-23} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Consulting a Physician for Hip Pain During Pregnancy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I need advice on whether I should consult my general practitioner, my obstetrician or just wait. I am five months pregnant and think I may have some form of arthritis in my hips. During a pregnancy two years ago, I had twinges of pain in one hip. With this pregnancy I have pain in both hips, sometime severe enough to restrict activity. If this is a condition related to pregnancy will consulting a physician be of any use at this time or just a waste of a fee? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: This is a truly important question as it deals not only with your problem but several important principles that you must know about if your are to manage your own health care appropriately. It is made a bit more complicated because you have two physicians to work with, but even that is easily managed. To start with, any condition that hurts enough to restrict your activity is serious enough to warrant a physician's attention. I know you are worrying about the effects of tests such as x-rays and treatments with medicines might have upon your unborn child, but your physician has the same concerns. Your pelvis and its precious contents can be screened against the dangers of x-rays while your diagnosis can be advanced. Blood tests can be run to provide some insight into your condition which have no effect on the development of the baby. And with your pregnancy already in the fifth month, there are even some medication that could be considered. Not that I could hazard a guess at your diagnosis at this time with out more information then you have provided. Now to the questions as to which physician should be consulted, my answer is that both should be aware of your condition. If you consider your general practitioner to be the more likely physician to manage this condition (and I tend to agree), than it is his responsibility to inform your obstetrician of all the findings of your medical condition. Likewise you obstetrician should contact your general physician about any matter that might effect your ongoing care. It is totally within reason to expect your two doctors to talk to one another about your care. It has been known to happen! By the same token, it is your responsibility, and in your own best interest, to be sure that it does happen. But the first step is yours. Get to a physician with this problem, and soon! ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.