$Unique_ID{BRK01662} $Pretitle{} $Title{Use of Hormones and Pheromones to Attract the Opposite Sex} $Subject{hormones attraction sexual Community Social Problems problem Pheromones Attract Sex sexy smelly hormone attractive smell fragrance Perfume sexuality sexually Pheromone Attracts attractions smells fragrances Perfumes behavior behaviors} $Volume{Q-23, Q-22} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Use of Hormones and Pheromones to Attract the Opposite Sex ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: My girl friend sent me an ad she says would help me attract the man of my dreams. It is for a perfume that contains a sexy smelly hormone that is supposed to be very attractive to men. Do you know anything about this and do you think it would work? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Probably not . . . unless someone just genuinely liked the smell of the fragrance. Perfume manufacturers have been known to add hormone-like substances called pheromones to their products, and then claim it will help attract the opposite sex. Researchers have found that in some animals, pheromones attract the opposite sex, but it just doesn't work in humans. Female silk moths release a pheromone that sexually attracts male silk moths and causes the male to fly to the female. Researchers have also found that female rhesus monkeys have vaginal secretions that contain a chemical which attracts male monkeys. There have been a number of studies of pheromones in humans, but there is little evidence, if any, that they work to attract men to women. The research has found that human female pheromones can make women's menstrual cycles synchronize. Certain male odors have been found to influence menstrual cycles too. But sexual attraction because of hormones and pheromones has not yet been proven to work in humans. I guess you will have to find some other lure. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.