$Unique_ID{BRK01652} $Pretitle{} $Title{Are Humidifiers a Good Method of Curing a Common Cold?} $Subject{humidifier colds Community social Curing infection moisture breathing nose throat dry moist air water vaporizers atmospheric Ultrasonic humidifiers cold infections moistures breathe breath vaporizer} $Volume{Q-23} $Log{ Symptoms of the Common Cold*0008502.scf} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Are Humidifiers a Good Method of Curing a Common Cold? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: Is there any truth to the stories about humidifiers in the home that say they can be a good method of curing a common cold? My sister-in-law swears that is so, but some of my friends chuckle when I bring it up. I get more colds during the winter months than I can count, and I can use all the help I can get. Thank you for your help. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: I am afraid your relative is wrong, for while the presence of a humidifier in the home may help to reduce some of the annoying effects of a cold, it can neither prevent or cure the infection. The cold air of winter can not hold as much moisture as the warmer breezes of summer, and when that cold air passes through the heater or furnace in your home, the amount of moisture it contains drops even lower. This dry air may affect our breathing apparatus, leaving our nose and throat dry, and our lips chapped. When a cold does strike, the mucous dries up as well, blocking the nasal passages, and causing distress and difficulty with breathing. Warm, moist air can reverse those conditions and make breathing a bit easier. But that is not curing a cold, it is just making it a bit easier to put up with. You have a wide choice of methods and materials to get that humidity back up over the 30 percent level, judged to be comfortable. Simply boiling water in a pot will help, but steam vaporizers that can be moved about cost less than $25, and are helpful for small areas. And the mist the produce is pure, as the boiling has killed any bacteria that were in the water. Not so with cool-mist vaporizers, which cost about $50 and can provide atmospheric moisture for a moderate sized room. They must be cleaned carefully, as bacteria may survive in cool water. Ultrasonic humidifiers are also available at a cost ranging from $50-$200, but can increase the amount of particles in the air to over the safe limit. They must be maintained properly, changing filters regularly, and using distilled water. Whatever your choice, read labels carefully and get as much information you can about the benefits of the model you choose. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.