$Unique_ID{BRK01643} $Pretitle{} $Title{Girls and Football} $Subject{football female athletes Community Social Problems problem Girls girl woman speed Strength athlete knee injuries females athletic athletics women knees injury lifestyle lifestyles sport sports} $Volume{Q-23} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Girls and Football ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I hope you saw the television show about the girl who played football on the boy's high school team because it may help you answer my question. I want to play too, but I keep getting advice from everyone around me not to try. Why shouldn't I be given the chance? Is there so much difference between boys and girls? Please help me by giving me your professional medical opinion. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: The female football player is a novelty, so it's no surprise that coaches, parents and teammates feel nervous about letting you join the team. The average woman is less muscular than the average man; weighs less; is generally not as strong and not as fast. When two bodies collide, the lighter, less dense body absorbs the force of the momentum, posing a greater risk of injury, a factor any responsible supervisor must be concerned about. Furthermore, success in football depends upon strength and speed; again, the average woman is at a disadvantage. The real question is whether you as an individual belong on the team. How do you compare in size to team members? How about speed? Strength? Football attracts the largest, strongest, fastest boys in the school, so you'll need to be one of the largest, fastest, strongest girls if you expect to compete with a reasonably low risk of injury. You'll certainly have to be a better athlete than a significant percentage of boys in the school. It may sound chauvinistic, but these are the laws of motion and mass of physics that we are applying. The fact of being female brings other considerations. Your head and neck may be smaller than those of male players, a disadvantage in head to head contact, and because your pelvis may be wider, the angle at which your upper leg hooks up with your knee will be greater. One study has shown that women playing the same sports as men have more knee injuries. You will need some careful evaluation and advice to help you in your decision to participate. But if you do have the physical qualifications and skills, and your desire is so great, then I say, "Go for it!" ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.