$Unique_ID{BRK01641} $Pretitle{} $Title{What is an Exercise Cardiogram?} $Subject{exercise ECG cardiogram Special Procedures Procedure Lab test Laboratory Tests Circulatory System heart stress EECG machine treadmill pedal stationary bicycle machines treadmills electrocardiograph electrocardiographs electrocardiogram electrocardiograms exercises exercising} $Volume{P-3, G-3} $Log{ Normal Electrocardiogram*0001401.scf} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. What is an Exercise Cardiogram? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I am to have an exercise cardiogram, but I really don't know what that means or how it is done. Would you please tell me? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: An exercise cardiogram is a test that checks to see how well your heart functions during exercise, rather than at rest. It is also called a stress test, since it shows how your heart responds to exertion. An exercise electrocardiogram (EECG) can show abnormalities of the heart that a regular ECG won't and is helpful in evaluating people who have symptoms of heart disease or a past heart attack. The test is also part of the checkup for older people who are considering starting an exercise program. During an exercise ECG, you're wired to the ECG machine while you walk on a treadmill or pedal on a stationary bicycle. The speed of the treadmill or the resistance on the bike is increased gradually so that you're exercising more strenuously. Don't eat or smoke for two hours before the test. Wear loose pants or short and sneakers. Women should wear a comfortable support bra, a loose front-buttoning blouse, and avoid wearing a girdle or one-piece undergarment. The test usually takes about 30 minutes. It may take some time to analyze the findings, but then you can be sure that your exercise program will do you more good than harm. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.