$Unique_ID{BRK01624} $Pretitle{} $Title{Cocaine Use and Sexual Performance} $Subject{cocaine sex Community Social Problems Sexual Performance coke arousal desire pleasure stimulant dopamine erection ejaculation drug drugs Sexually Sexuality aroused desires pleasures stimulants coca} $Volume{Q-23} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Cocaine Use and Sexual Performance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: Do you think you are being fair to your readers when you just knock the use of coke and fail to tell them that it is the greatest aid for great sex known to man? Bet this letter never makes it to your column. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: You lose your bet. Throughout history cocaine use has been linked to increased arousal and better sexual performance, sometimes rightfully, but more often wrongfully so. While it is true that early cocaine use heightens sexual desire and creates an illusion of sexual machismo, continued abuse often results in a long list of functional problems. Normal sexual function depends on all body systems being in good health and well-balanced, especially the nervous system. Nerve endings release chemical substances which carry action messages to other nerve endings, regulating our body's reflexes and emotional chemistry. In a sense, we function like a giant switchboard with all lines transmitting directions and no busy signals. Anything which interferes with the normal exchange of these nerve impulses can put sexual pleasure at risk. For instance, cocaine is a central nervous system stimulant. It makes the body over produce certain chemicals such as dopamine, whose job it is to make us feel things more intensely. At first a new cocaine user may experience strong sexual urges, prolonged intercourse, and multiple orgasms brought on by the extra supply of dopamine. But after a period of abuse, the dopamine stores run out and everything goes into reverse: sexual interest drops off, erection becomes either difficult or continuous, and ejaculation is inhibited. In addition, the depletion of one chemical activates the production of others which can lead to a multitude of symptoms, such as fatigue, abnormal breast milk production in both sexes, and an end to orgasms. Inviting as the rumors about cocaine might be, careful analysis of the results of its use reveal the disastrous outcomes that occur, and should frighten any who contemplate even a casual experiment with this potent drug. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.