$Unique_ID{BRK01575} $Pretitle{Nervous System and Sense Organs} $Title{Is it True That Loud Noise May Cause Hearing Loss?} $Subject{ears hearing loss loud noise noises Sense senses listening cochlea ear tympanic membrane drum ringing sound muffling ear hear hears listen listens membranes drums} $Volume{F-21} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Is it True That Loud Noise May Cause Hearing Loss? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: We are concerned with the problems of hearing loss that seem to afflict some of us. In listening to all the "war stories" it would seem that loud noise may have been a cause for some of the damage. Can you please tell me if this is true? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Yes, it can. Excessive noise is the leading preventable cause of hearing loss in this country. Many veterans of past wars, particularly those who were in close contact with heavy artillery, are well aware of this fact. Excessive noise can either be continuous, such as jackhammers or industrial machinery, or acute, such as a gunshot or explosion. Continuous loud noise causes degeneration in the tiny hair cells of the cochlea of the ear. These cells pick up sound vibrations and cannot be replaced or repaired. The longer you're exposed to excessive noise, the more hair cells are destroyed, and the more hearing loss. This damage usually results in hearing impairment, and only rarely in profound deafness. Acute loud noises can rupture your tympanic membrane (the ear drum) and other membranes in the inner ear. A ruptured ear drum can heal and hearing can be restored, but inner ear damage cannot. In the early stages of noise-induced hearing loss, you may experience ringing in the ears, sound muffling, ear discomfort, or a temporary hearing impairment for a few hours after experiencing the noise. The Department of Labor says that more than 5 million American workers are subjected to hazardous noise levels. A good rule of thumb is that if you must shout to be heard over the background noise at work, your hearing is in danger. Use hearing protection such as ear plugs or special ear muffs. Even rock musicians are wearing ear protection now during concerts. I wish more of our young people would get the hint, and be more careful about the levels of sound they use when listening to music. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.