$Unique_ID{BRK01536} $Pretitle{} $Title{"CNN Conjunctivitis"} $Subject{eyes conjunctivitis Sense senses redness red eye irritated watching watch see seeing sight vision television dryness artificial tears crusts crust crusting lid lids eyelid eyelids pus optical irritation tv tear dry} $Volume{F-21} $Log{ Conjunctivitis of the Eye*0010401.scf} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. "CNN Conjunctivitis" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: After a recent white night watching television for news of the war, I was surprised to find that many of my coworkers shared the same "red eye" I had. It was almost as if a raging infection had affected all our eyes. Was this a case of conjunctivitis, and what do you think we can do to treat this most annoying occurrence? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: I wonder how many other Americans experienced the same problem during the first awesome days of the Gulf conflict? I know I shared the symptoms of irritated eyes with all of them, and so have some insight into the problem. I have chosen to name it "CNN Conjunctivitis", although it is not an infection by a virus or bacteria. I believe the irritation may be explained by the long hours of watching television, possibly the dryness of the atmosphere in heated rooms, and perhaps the presence of tobacco smoke. It is not unlike the bleary eyed experience of many students who spend the night cramming for an examination. Cutting back on those long hours of wakeful watching is a sure preventive measure that will help you avoid the problem. However, using wetting, artificial tears to overcome the dryness can be of some help in controlling the situation. Of course, should the condition persist after a good night's sleep, or if you notice crusts on your lids or the formation of pus, all bets are off and a visit to you doctor is indicated for further evaluation, diagnosis and treatment. Let us all pray that an honorable and quick end to this war will allow our television watching habits to return to a more normal routine, and allow the natural sparkle to return to our eyes. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.