$Unique_ID{BRK01532} $Pretitle{} $Title{What is Chelation Therapy?} $Subject{arteries artery chelation therapy therapies Special Procedures procedure hardening harden hardened metal metals lead poison poisons poisoning artificial amino acid disodium edetate EDTA injection injections minerals mineral deposits deposit kidneys kidney disease emphysema multiple sclerosis gangrene psoriasis heart claudication circulation atherosclerosis arteriosclerosis} $Volume{P-4,G-4} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. What is Chelation Therapy? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: Is there anything you can tell me about chelation therapy? My friend calls it the "Roto-Rooter" technique. I have heard it is used to cure hardening of the arteries, but have been unable to find anything in my library about it. I hope you can help me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: I'll try, although I must tell you from the onset that there is a great deal of very emotional controversy about the procedure. Chelation is a procedure by which a metal (such as lead) is "bound" to a chemical compound which permits its removal from the body. This method is used in treating individuals with such conditions as lead poisoning. But your questions involves the use of an artificial amino acid called disodium edetate (EDTA) in an intravenous injection as an attempt to remove unwanted mineral deposits from various parts of the body, in particular the arteries. The material then exits the body through the kidneys. According to some of the promoters of this technique, it is alleged to be helpful for many other conditions as well; kidney disease, emphysema, multiple sclerosis, gangrene, psoriasis, and heart disease. Because of the claims about heart disease, it is often touted as an alternative to coronary artery bypass surgery. The course of treatment may include as many as 20 to 50 sessions, involving considerable cost. The problem is that the therapy still remains unproven. The Food and Drug Administration approved the design of a controlled trial study which is currently underway, but for which no statistics are available at this time. The available literature on the process was reviewed by the Task Force on New and Unestablished Therapies of the American Heart Association. They concluded that there was no scientific evidence to demonstrate any benefits, and that there had been no adequate trials using currently approved scientific methods to prove the worth of chelation therapy. The current trial, which is studying "claudication," a condition of impaired circulation in the legs, may provide some answers, but will not prove the safety or effectiveness of the procedure in heart disease. Apparently much more study is needed in this area. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.