$Unique_ID{BRK01524} $Pretitle{} $Title{Mail Order Remedies for Severe Arthritis} $Subject{arthritis cures cure quackery quack quacks Musculoskeletal System Connective Tissue tissues Remedies medications medication medicine medicines remedy folk tonics tonic life-style gold injections injection lifestyle lifestyles behavior behaviors joint joints rheumatoid rheumatism} $Volume{M-23,R-17} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Mail Order Remedies for Severe Arthritis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: Though I suffer with a mild case of arthritis, my brother has a case that is much more severe. However, instead of consulting a physician and listening to good medical advice, he buys every crazy device or buys any mail order remedy he finds advertised in certain magazines. There seems to be nothing I can say to convince him that he is on the wrong track and just can't understand why he continues to do this. Can you please discuss this problem in your column? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: The biggest obstacle arthritis patients face is the fact that arthritis is incurable. The best modern medicine can do is try to alleviate the symptoms and slow the progress of the disease. But finding the right medications can be a costly and discouraging process. When a person is in constant pain they desire quick relief. If their physician can't meet this need, they turn to anything and anyone for help. According to Arthritis Foundation estimates, Americans spend about two billion dollars a year on unproven "quack" remedies. These range from bizarre diets to the application of household lubricants to stiff and "squeaky" joints. For some patients, using folk tonics or alternative methods is a form of denial. They hope that a simple remedy or life-style change will be effective, disproving the seriousness of their disease. Others act out of ignorance. Slick promotional ads explain arthritis in simple terms, while their doctor seems to speak in Greek. "Use once and you will be cured" is more reassuring to them than the prospect of endless gold injections, the mechanics of which they don't fully understand. You may be of great service to your brother by obtaining some of the wonderfully informative and authoritative educational material from your local chapter of the Arthritis Foundation, and sharing them with your brother. Perhaps they will be the "eye-opener" he seems to need. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.