$Unique_ID{BRK01502} $Pretitle{} $Title{Summer Tan Ruined by a Skin Rash} $Subject{skin fungus color subcutaneous tissue tan rash infection tinea versicolor fungal yeast pityrosporum orbiculare brown scaling lesions chest neck abdomen colorations potassium hydroxide spores hyphae spaghetti meatballs itching salicylic acid sulfur scales selenium sulfide imidazoles ketoconazole fungi tans rashes infections scale lesion spore itch itches} $Volume{L-20,A-20} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Summer Tan Ruined by a Skin Rash ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: A perfectly beautiful summer tan has been ruined by a skin rash that is very difficult to treat. Even my doctor admits it is changing the color of my skin, and says the rash is due to an infection that is named for it ability to change skin color. All of this is very upsetting, and I need some more information. Can you please tell me what this is all about? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: I'll try, but only because you have given me the clue that I needed to understand your situation. Skin problems are hard enough to diagnose when you can see them, but your mention of your doctor's comments make it fairly certain that this is a case of tinea versicolor. This is a very common fungal skin infection, with the yeast Pityrosporum orbiculare being the culprit. Typically it causes a group of tan or brown, very slightly scaling lesions on the chest, neck, abdomen and occasionally on the face. Since the skin affected by this infection does not tan, a white patch is seen against the bronzed background. And it is these different colorations that give it the name "versicolor". Besides its distinctive appearance, the infection is diagnosed by observing scrapings from the lesions under the microscope. After treatment with potassium hydroxide, the typical microscopic appearance of yeast spores and hyphae (sometimes called spaghetti and meatballs) can be observed. The condition is one that recurs frequently and may become symptomatic, with itching the principle complaint. There are a number of possible treatments. Careful cleansing with medicated soap containing salicylic acid and sulfur helps to remove the scales and remove the fungus. Selenium sulfide is also effective, although the sulfur smell is pretty strong and disliked by most patients. Topical treatment with creams containing imidazoles is effective. An oral medication, ketoconazole, can also be used, although not yet approved for this indication by the Food and Drug Administration. Ketoconazole has some potent side effects, and so the risk may be too great for a skin lesion of this nature, but very small doses (as little as a single 200 mg dose every two weeks for a maximum of six doses) may be sufficient to gain the desired results. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.