$Unique_ID{BRK01489} $Pretitle{} $Title{Is AIDS the Most Widely Spread Disease Linked to Sex?} $Subject{sex venereal diseases vd aids acquired immune deficiency syndrome infections infection blood genitourinary lifestyle lifestyles syphilis gonorrhea penicillin sexually transmitted disease std acquired immune deficiency syndrome virus viruses viral retrovirus hiv human immunodeficiency} $Volume{A-7, J-23} $Log{ AIDS is Sexually Transmitted*0001005.scf Sexually Transmitted Disease: Syphilis*0006402.scf Pathways of Infection of PID*0007902.scf} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Is AIDS the Most Widely Spread Disease Linked to Sex? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: We have a little wager going on this one. My friend says that with all the publicity about AIDS, he is sure that it must be the most widely spread disease linked to sex. I think he is wrong and am sure that syphilis is once again the most common. Could you please tell us which of us is right? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Sorry, you are both wrong. While it is true that the number of cases of syphilis being reported is the largest in forty years, it is gonorrhea that is far and away the most commonly reported disease. There were over 46,700 cases of syphilis reported to the Centers for Disease control for the 12 month period ending March 31, up from 41,209 reported last year. In the same period of time, a whopping 725,519 cases of gonorrhea were noted, down somewhat from the 744,011 cases in 1989. AIDS cases reported have gone up as well, totalling 37,554 this year over some 32,762 reported in 1989. The sad part about these statistics is that both syphilis and gonorrhea can be easily treated and even more easily prevented. Thanks to penicillin, it was thought that syphilis had received a knock out blow, and to see its mounting numbers is discouraging. It is clear we must devote more time to educating everyone about all the diseases that are transmitted by sexual contact. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.