$Unique_ID{BRK01483} $Pretitle{} $Title{What Makes Skin Age?} $Subject{skin aging cause subcutaneous tissue age ages aged dermis elastic elasticity wrinkling langerhans older wrinkles old elderly lose tissues epidermis wrinkle} $Volume{L-20,T-20} $Log{ Anatomy of the Skin*0006701.scf} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. What Makes Skin Age? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: As a young girl I took a great deal of pride in the smoothness and softness of my skin. There is no greater reminder that the years have passed than when I look at my skin now and see all the changes that have occurred. Can you please tell me what makes skin age so and if there is any way to prevent it? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Why skin ages so is still pretty much of a mystery, although recent research has revealed some definite answers. It is believed that a natural aging system is set in motion at birth and is later compounded by the wear and tear of everyday life, as well as by environmental damage. As we all know, too much exposure to the ultraviolet rays of the sun damages the skin and accelerates the aging process. There are, however, more subtle factors influencing the skin's aging process. Within the dermis (the skin layer just beneath the surface layer) are the cells that form the elastic tissue of the skin. In time, their elasticity deteriorates and causes wrinkling. Pigment cells also deplete with age, and since these cells act as a protective barrier to sunlight, their loss increases a susceptibility to sun damage. Immune cells, known as Langerhans cells, are reduced by nearly half their number in time, weakening the skin and making it more prone to certain skin cancers. As we grow older the connection between the top two layers of skin becomes weaker, permitting those hateful wrinkles to develop. With all this knowledge, I'm sorry to report that, at present, there is no known remedy for the aging process. Avoiding intense sun exposure is the best advice dermatologists can offer, since moisturizers and estrogen-containing creams have shown no long-lasting positive results. However, a prescription acne product developed a number of years ago has a subtle rejuvenating affect on the skin, erasing and flattening out some of the wrinkles. Although not yet approved for this usage by the Food and Drug Administration, some investigators report interesting results. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.