$Unique_ID{BRK01475} $Pretitle{} $Title{Risk Factors for High Blood Pressure} $Subject{high blood pressure risk factor circulatory system hbp uncontrollable controllable heredity race sex age weight alcohol sodium smoking oral contraceptives repressed anger sedentary life-style pressures factors gender overweight alcoholism salt the pill lifestyle lifestyles smoke contraceptive contraception contraceptions} $Volume{G-3} $Log{ The Effects of Smoking*0007301.scf} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Risk Factors for High Blood Pressure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: For some strange reason, I don't understand all that I read and hear about risk factors. It would seem that some people are just made so they can't help but develop high blood pressure (HBP), while others change their ways and escape. I am at an age where all of this is suddenly most important to me, and I wonder if you could shed some light on the subject? I know you would be helping a lot of us who are in the same boat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Risk factors are the result of statistical analysis of the elements that are present in people that do show elevated blood pressures. The more risk factors present in your personal or family history, the greater the chance is that you too will develop the condition. However it is really not that cut and dried, and some people with many risk factors present never do develop any signs of blood pressure elevation while others that seem free of identifiable factors, are found with higher than normal readings. It becomes a bit simpler to understand when you divide the factors into two kinds, those that you can't change (also called "uncontrollable" risk factors) and those that may be lessened by appropriate actions that you may take ("controllable"). In the uncontrollable category, there are four headings: heredity, present when your parents or other close members of your family have a history of high blood pressure; race, for reasons that are still poorly understood, a higher percentage of Black North Americans develop HBP than white North Americans: sex, women before menopause are slightly less at risk than men, after menopause they catch up quite rapidly; age, the older you are the greater your chances of developing HBP. It is in the controllable category that you find the things you can do something about and where the greatest educational emphasis is placed. Here there are seven headings: weight: the more your weight exceeds the normal for your height, the greater the chance of HBP. Lowering your weight to normal can actually reduce your blood pressure levels; alcohol consumption: yes I, too, have heard that a drink is good for the circulation and digestion, but statistics prove that regular, excessive drinking can increase blood pressure; sodium: to some people who are sensitive to the amount of sodium they consume (present in table salt and other foods and medicines), blood pressures rise when salt is taken in excess of body needs; smoking: the nicotine in tobacco smoke causes the small blood vessels in the body to squeeze down (contract) which results in increased blood pressure levels; oral contraceptives: some women are sensitive to this medication which results in their developing HBP. Smoking and birth control pills together make for a very high risk factor; repressed anger: people who hold a lot of anger inside and are constantly frustrated with their situation tend to have more heart and blood pressure problems; sedentary life-style: when the heart, blood vessels and muscles are not exposed to regular exercise, they lose their tone, and HBP may result. In addition lack of activity contributes to weight gain. With all the indications in the "controllable" category, it is easy to understand how some people manage to overcome their tendency to develop HBP and improve their odds. The pay off is not only a reduction in heart problems, and an increased life span, but also a life more than a mere existence, enjoyable, rewarding and fun to live. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.