$Unique_ID{BRK01474} $Pretitle{} $Title{Where Does Anal Itching Come From?} $Subject{itch rectum pruritus ani digestive system anal itching wipe wipes wiping itches toilet tissue paper} $Volume{I-13} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Where Does Anal Itching Come From? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I am almost too embarrassed to write this to you, and I certainly don't know how to bring the subject up to my doctor. I have this terrible problem with an itch in my "bottom" that sometimes drives me crazy at night. I don't know where it comes from, or what to do to stop it. Do you think it is something serious? Perhaps you can offer me some tips that might help me deal with it? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Your problem is, indeed, an uncomfortable one, but it is quite common. Anal itching--or "pruritus ani"--is a symptom of skin irritation. Possible causes include infections, hemorrhoids, fistulas (openings in the skin surface), or defects from previous surgery. More serious causes include tumors or parasites. Treatment depends on the cause. In some cases, gentle cleansing is enough, and should be your first line of attack. Using prepared anal wipes may do the trick, and avoid rough wiping with coarse tissues. If the itching is the result of a local infection, there are medicated creams you can use. Sometimes the itching is an allergic reaction to soaps, toilet tissue, or other environmental factors. Some foods, such as spices, citrus fruits, vitamin C tablets, coffee, beer and cola drinks may be associated with the itch. A little detective work will help you identify the offending agent and put you on the alert to avoid it. If hemorrhoids or skin tags are the problem, they may have to be removed. Fistulas or other defects should be corrected surgically. If your attempts at self-diagnosis and treatment don't resolve the problem within a few weeks, you should see your doctor to rule out a more serious cause, for there are many other possibilities that might explain your condition. Your embarrassment is understandable, but I'll bet you find your physician more sensitive to your problem than you expected. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.