$Unique_ID{BRK01467} $Pretitle{} $Title{How Can One Cope With the Discomforts of Pregnancy?} $Subject{pregnancy discomfort discomforts backaches maternity girdle breast soreness uterus enlargement progesterone gastrointestinal constipation heartburn headaches leg cramps feet nausea urination lifestyle lifestyles pregnancies backache constipated headache legs cramp foot nauseated } $Volume{K-23} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. How Can One Cope With the Discomforts of Pregnancy? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: Though my pregnancy is proceeding without any real complications, and I have great support from my husband, I find myself bothered by all sorts of small but persistent discomforts that get me down. They don't seem important enough to bother my busy doctor with, but perhaps you can help. How can I cope with the discomforts of pregnancy? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Perhaps I can ease some of your burden, and even make it a bit easier for your physician, although some matters will have to be checked out with your own doctor. Since no drug can be considered completely safe during pregnancy, the use of medication to ease discomfort should be avoided whenever possible. Fortunately, there are many nondrug remedies that can offer relief. Here are some common discomforts and how to cope with them. Backaches are a common complaint during pregnancy since the protruding abdomen forces women to alter their posture to maintain their balance. Exercise, back rubs (here's something for your supportive husband to do!), and hot baths can relax the muscles. Local heat also works, though it shouldn't be applied for long periods of time. If extreme discomfort exists, a maternity girdle and 2-inch heels which tend to push the shoulders forward may reduce the pain. If breast soreness develops, treat the nipple area with cold water baths. A good, supportive bra worn 24 hours a day may afford relief as well. Some creams can soothe the tenderness, but most doctors caution against the use of over-the-counter or corticosteroid creams. Due to uterus enlargement and increased progesterone circulation which slows gastrointestinal mobility, constipation is a frequent concern. Eating three heaping tablespoons of unprocessed bran and drinking six glasses of water a day should help. If this fails, a mild laxative or stool softener is usually permissible. To avoid heartburn, eat small amounts of food more frequently during the day and don't eat just before going to sleep. Heartburn usually develops as the enlarged uterus begins to press against the stomach, and eating large quantities of food at one sitting aggravates this condition. Elevating the head portion of your bed may help as well. A cold compress or ice pack on the forehead can help with headaches. If you experience pain severe enough to need medication, it's time to check with your doctor for advice. For leg cramps, try massaging them or apply heat with a heating pad. Flexing your feet may also help. With severe cramping, phosphate intake should be reduced and calcium (without phosphorus) intake increased. As a final precaution, wear full-length support stockings as opposed to knee-length ones that have constricting bands. This will reduce the chance of varicose veins as well. If nausea develops, smell a fresh-cut lemon rind or drink cola-based soft drinks. Bland foods such as toast or crackers also help. Frequent urination, one of the most common discomforts of later pregnancy, is unfortunately unavoidable since uterus enlargement adds increasing pressure on the bladder. If urination becomes painful or difficult, however, consult your doctor immediately, since this may be a sign of infection. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.