$Unique_ID{BRK01435} $Pretitle{} $Title{New Anesthetic Technique For Open Cuts} $Subject{laceration repair localized anesthetics special procedures skin cut subcutaneous tissue anesthetic cuts local anesthetic solution soak numb pain topical tac tetracaine adrenaline cocaine lidocaine injection lacerations procedure solutions soaking numbing} $Volume{P-20, L-20} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. New Anesthetic Technique For Open Cuts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: When I took my youngster to the emergency room for some stitches in an open cut on the arm, I was permitted to stay in the room during the repair, as I worked as a nurse before my marriage. However I was a bit surprised at the physician's technique, which did not use the injection of a local anesthetic before the sutures, but rather a soak with some solution to numb the pain. I guess I should have asked about it when I was there, but I didn't, and wonder if you can explain what this technique is all about. It certainly seemed to work fine. Thank you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: There is no stopping progress and this technique does seem to be the answer to a mother's (and physician's) prayer when a youngster must be treated for an open laceration. It consists of soaking the open wound with a topical solution called TAC which is made up of 0.5 percent tetracaine, 1:2000 adrenaline, and 11.8 percent cocaine. It is considered to be as effective a pain killer as the traditional lidocaine injection, but does away with the need of additional needle sticks for an already frightened child. This permits the physician to establish a calming and soothing relationship with the young patient, without proving any new additional pain that can often destroy any confidence at the very outset of an emergency visit. The trick in using this technique is to use sterile cotton balls saturated with TAC (rather than gauze pads) which allow the liquid to penetrate into the wound. The dose is 1 ml of solution for every 1 cm of laceration with a maximum of 10 ml. The parent can be of valuable assistance and help to hold the soaked cotton balls on the wound (while wearing rubber gloves to prevent numbing the hand as well!) for about ten minutes. Cleaning a wound prepared in this manner is easier, and the surgical repair is swifter, as the edges of the wound have not been altered, as may happen in the case of an injection. Most important of all is that the child may exit the procedure with more smiles than tears, and reduced anxiety if this frequent childhood emergency recurs at another time. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.