$Unique_ID{BRK01431} $Pretitle{} $Title{Confusing Instructions For Inhaler Use} $Subject{asthma inhalers use special procedures procedures instructions inhaler breathing problem obstructive airway diseases medications inhalation respiratory system pulmonary lung lungs instruction inhale breathe breath problems air passages airways disease medication medicine medicines treatment treatments} $Volume{P-5,R-5} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Confusing Instructions For Inhaler Use ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: When I report to my doctor that I seem to be getting little relief for my breathing problem, even though I use my inhaler regularly, he merely tells me to use it properly, and increase the dosage. The nurse seems to give me a slightly different story each time I ask for instructions. I know others who do well with this type of medication and wonder if you might offer me the instructions I can't seem to get from my doctor or his office help? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: The use of metered dose inhalers has become an important and widely used method of taking medications to manage a group of lung diseases known as "Obstructive Airway Diseases". A variety of medications can be used in these inhalers to open the airways and help restore the normal passage of air to and from the lungs. Though these inhalers are a convenient and useful method to take these medications, since they measure the dose precisely, and are easy to carry around with you, many people experience some difficulty in their use. And there is even some confusion amongst professionals as to the correct use of inhalers. But incorrectly used, the dosage of medication to the lungs may be reduced by as much 90 percent. Here are the 6 steps I recommend. 1: With a properly assembled inhaler, cap removed, shake the inhaler well before using; 2: Hold the inhaler upright, mouthpiece below the canister that holds the medication, about two finger-breadths in front of the widely opened mouth; 3: Empty your lungs, then start to inhale SLOWLY, and press the canister once, to obtain one dose; 4: Continue with your slow inhalation, to fully expand your lungs, over a 5 to 10 second period; 5: Hold your breath for as long as possible, as many as 10 seconds, then exhale; 6: wait at least 1 minute between doses. The angle of the inhaler and the distance from the mouth are important factors in assuring the maximum delivery of medication to the lungs, and in cases where patients have difficulty in using the inhaler properly, a "spacer" or holding chamber may be attached to the mouthpiece to help. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.