$Unique_ID{BRK01378} $Pretitle{} $Title{Serious Side Effects of Cortisone Medication Over Time} $Subject{medications cortisone withdrawal ill defined symptoms symptom medication prednisone corticosteroids asthma temporal arteritis ulcerative colitis allergic hypersensitivities polymyositis systemic lupus erythematosus transplantation corticosteroid hypertension sodium water retention bloating weight gain stomach ulcerations osteoporosis glaucoma steroid medicine medicines Uveitis} $Volume{N-0,R-0} $Log{ Contributing Factors to Osteoporosis*0005701.scf Ulcers of the Digestive System*0005801.scf Causative Factors of Hypertension*0009601.scf Pathology of Uveitis*0016201.scf} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Serious Side Effects of Cortisone Medication Over Time ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I have been on a cortisone medication (prednisone) for quite some time, prescribed because of my medical condition (severe asthma). Now, though I have no bad experiences yet, I am worrying about the possibility of serious side effects over time, and if I will ever be able to get off the medication. Have you any information about this? How do you go about it? I would hate to become dependant upon this medicine for the rest of my life. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: The use of cortisone, or the other similar medications (corticosteroids) brings relief for those who suffer many varied ailments. Of use not only in severe asthma, these medications are very important in treating temporal arteritis, ulcerative colitis, many allergic reactions and hypersensitivities, polymyositis, and systemic lupus erythematosus. It is also used to help control organ rejection, in transplantation operations. Yet, as with so many other powerful medications, it may also create problems when used in high doses over long periods of time. Although not all complications occur in all patients, corticosteroid therapy may cause hypertension, sodium and water retention with bloating and weight gain, stomach ulcerations, impaired wound healing, osteoporosis, glaucoma, recurrence of tuberculosis and chickenpox as well as increased susceptibility to all types of infections, bacterial, fungal and viral. The trick is to use the lowest possible dosage that achieves the desired effect and to employ various strategies that reduce the possibility of side effects. Using the medication in creams or lotions to reduce the amount required in tablets, or in alternate day dosage schedules, may be helpful in some cases. However, the process of withdrawal is a long one, and must be closely managed by your physician. Some experts advise wearing a medical identification bracelet indicating that you are steroid dependent. Gradually the medication dosage is reduced, while the blood levels are carefully measured. Since the body has its own rhythm of cortisone production, taking your medication in the early morning between 6 and 8 AM will help reestablish normal patterns. The process is a complicated one, but can be accomplished by working with your doctor. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.