$Unique_ID{BRK01371} $Pretitle{} $Title{Is it True That Coca Cola Can be Used as a Contraceptive?} $Subject{vaginal douche coke genitourinary system coca cola contraceptive sex intercourse kill sperm oviducts fertilize fertilized egg reproductive tract fertilizing pregnancy vagina uterus lifestyle lifestyles douching contraceptives contraception contraceptions sexual spermatozoa oviduct eggs reproduction unwanted pregnancies} $Volume{J-23, J-14} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Is it True That Coca Cola Can be Used as a Contraceptive? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: My girl friend swears it's true, and that she uses it, but before trying it myself I want to check with you. Is it true that Coca Cola can be used as a contraceptive? Are there any dangers to using it? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: The only time Coca Cola is effective as a contraceptive is if you drink it instead of having sex. All kidding aside, this is an old story that refuses to die. Some women have used Coca Cola as a douche after intercourse, in hopes that it will kill sperm. In a laboratory (not a woman's body), some formulations of Coca Cola do kill sperm. But in a woman's body, sperm make their way to the oviducts, where they can fertilize an egg almost immediately after intercourse. Many physicians feel that any douche used after intercourse only pushes sperm farther through the reproductive tract, thus enhancing their chances of fertilizing an egg and causing pregnancy. The side effects of the Coca Cola douche are unknown, but there are some reports of increased infections in women who use it. If the Coca Cola is shaken and allowed to forcefully spew into the vagina and possibly the uterus, more potentially serious side effects can result. If you are in need of an inexpensive, safe and effective contraceptive, talk with your physician or your pharmacist. There is a wide variety of products on the market, any of which is a wiser choice than the Coca Cola douche. Show this answer to your friend, you will be doing her a favor. And I hope you won't even get started. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.