$Unique_ID{BRK01352} $Pretitle{} $Title{What is Bronchiectasis?} $Subject{bronchiectasis lung respiratory system bronchi air alveoli oxygen CO2 bronchial walls lungs cough coughing blood hemoptysis shortness breath wheezing chest bronchoscopy antitussives bronchioles pulmonary alveolus O2 carbon dioxide coughs breathe breathing wheeze bronchoscopies antitussive} $Volume{H-5} $Log{ Anatomy of the Bronchial Tree*0005902.scf Anatomy of the Alveoli*0005903.scf} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. What is Bronchiectasis? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I've been reading your column for some time now and it has been very educational. Do not remember ever seeing the subject "bronchiectasis" explained. My doctor mentioned that I might have this. He acts like there isn't much to be done about it. Sure would like your opinion. Thanks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Bronchiectasis is a condition that may develop at any age, frequently beginning in childhood, although the symptoms may not be come apparent until later in life. The bronchi are part of the system of tubes which carry the air from the mouth and nose to the alveoli, or tiny grape like clusters of sacs that transmit the oxygen to the blood stream while retrieving CO2. In bronchiectasis, the condition may be congenital (rare) or acquired. This form may result from a variety of causes, damage to the bronchial walls after infection, the result of breathing toxic fumes of various kinds over long periods of time, as the result of immunologic reactions, or the result of abnormalities in the arteries that supply the bronchi with needed nutrition. The disease may affect both lungs at the same time, and is most common in the lower lobes. The most common symptom is a chronic and productive cough that sometimes fails to disappear after a severe pneumonia. Typically the cough is worse in the morning and late afternoon with the rest of the day relatively free of symptoms. Coughing produces large amounts of material, often containing blood (hemoptysis). Other symptoms include shortness of breath, wheezing, and other signs of a poorly functioning respiratory system. Chest x-rays are very valuable in helping to make the diagnosis, and bronchoscopy, where a tube is inserted into the lungs, permitting the physician to examine the bronchi closely, is frequently advised. While it may not be possible to restore the lungs to normal, there are many treatments that are necessary to prevent the condition from worsening, and a "nothing more to be done" attitude is unacceptable. Antibiotics must be used to fight the frequently occurring flare ups of infection, antitussives (cough suppressing medications) help control the cough symptoms, and medications and physical therapy to help promote the drainage of the secretions. Please don't take a defeatist attitude, but seek out another physician who both can and wants to help you. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.