$Unique_ID{BRK01339} $Pretitle{} $Title{Could Turning Grey be a Result of Work With Photo Chemicals?} $Subject{silver photography skin argyria accident accidents ill defined symptoms symptom turning grey photo chemicals argyria discoloration skin nails mucous membranes deposits photographic greyish-blue work place occupation chemical discolorations gray greyish grayish nail} $Volume{N-20, O-23} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Could Turning Grey be a Result of Work With Photo Chemicals? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I don't believe it is my imagination, though my husband denies it, but he seems to be turning grey. Could it be a result of his work with chemicals in a photo studio for many years? What can you tell me about this condition, which I am sure he has? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: What you are talking about is a condition called Argyria, and because your husband has worked in a photo studio all his life, I doubt it is your imagination. Argyria is a discoloration of the skin, nails, mucous membranes, and internal organs, caused by silver deposits. Industrial employees who work with silver as well as those who work with photographic plates using silver are at risk of acquiring argyria. The body tends to store large amounts of silver when it has been in contact with silver over many years. When argyria begins to take hold, it is not that noticeable. The discoloration becomes more obvious when the areas of pigmentary changes are exposed to sunlight. One of the first clues that a person has argyria are his or her fingernails, which develop a characteristic greyish-blue discoloration. It is not uncommon for some of the silver to become deposited in the eyes in amounts proportionate to the length of exposure to the silver. Internally, the silver may be distributed to muscles, the liver, stomach, bone marrow and lymph nodes, and particularly to the kidney. Some patients with argyria experience abdominal pain when the esophagus, stomach and duodenum become laden with silver. Right now, there is no known effective treatment for argyria--the discoloration appears to be permanent. Cosmetic treatments to cover-up the silver discoloration have not been very successful. Fortunately, the long-term affects of argyria do not influence overall health. The greatest consequences seem to be psychological and social, since the person with argyria often becomes embarrassed and self-conscious. Those suffering with argyria would do best to avoid exposure to the sun, thus preventing further discoloration of the skin. Sunscreens should also be used when the person must be in the sun. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.