$Unique_ID{BRK01332} $Pretitle{} $Title{Information About the Corporate Angel Network} $Subject{community corporate angel network flights aircraft transport cancer patients can air transportation flight national corporations cancers patient} $Volume{Q-0} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Information About the Corporate Angel Network ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I once read of a company called Angel Network that assists families in arranging flights on corporate aircraft to transport cancer patients to hospitals where they are receiving treatment. Could you please find out more about this service and publish the address. It would ease the financial burdens of my in laws, who now must spend about $600 each month for flights to the hospital from our town. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: The answer to your question and perhaps your problem is the Corporate Angel Network (CAN), located at Westchester County Airport, Building One, White Plains, NY 10604 Tel # (914) 328-1313, Fax # (800) 328-4226. CAN is a nonprofit organization designed to arrange free air transportation for cancer patients. This nationwide program uses available seats on corporate aircraft being flown on business trips. Financial need is not a requirement. CAN permits patients to travel in comfort and dignity, spared the stresses of commercial air travel. It has already flown over 3500 patients through the cooperation and generosity of more than 425 participating corporations. There are a few requirements. Patients must be going to or returning from a recognized treatment center, consultation or checkup. They must be able to board the aircraft unassisted (no stretchers), and not require any life support systems or special services during the flight. Since CAN may not always be able to find an appropriate flight, back up commercial flight plans must be made. Another individual may accompany the patient, both parents in the case of children if space permits. Though referrals are accepted from social service and medical personnel, the people at CAN must speak to the patient or the person traveling along in order to explain the program thoroughly. Requests for transportation will be taken when a definite date for the medical appointment has been made, but no more than three weeks in advance. I hope you and others will find this important information of some help in fighting their battle with cancer. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.