$Unique_ID{BRK01302} $Pretitle{} $Title{Is Shortening the Warm Up Period Before Exercise Dangerous?} $Subject{exercise warmup musculoskeletal system connective tissue warm muscle cool-down warm-up cooldown exercises systems tissues up exercising cool down} $Volume{M-23} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Is Shortening the Warm Up Period Before Exercise Dangerous? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: Time is such a precious commodity for me that even when exercising, I am sometimes tempted to shorten the warm up period and get at it. Is there any good evidence that this might be more dangerous than I know? I don't want to turn a healthful practice into something that could be damaging to my now great state of health. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Most athletes contend that if there's a golden rule to exercise, it's the warm-up. In fact, it is so universally practiced that researchers testing for the effects of warm-up on injury can't seem to find anyone willing to sprint at maximum speed without it. Athletes are simply too aware of the potential dangers. The only verifiable medical support for this routine is that a warm muscle contracts more quickly and efficiently, receives more oxygen, and performs cleaner and longer than a cold one. But this can only be accomplished by choosing the right kind of warm-up, with a proper level of intensity and duration. For example, a general warm-up like calisthenics would never benefit a runner. It only increases the body's core temperature, not necessarily the temperature of muscles needed for the run. A task-specific warm-up, however, uses the same muscles. For instance, light jogging with brief bursts of speed works well for sprinters. Look to crack a light sweat, warn the experts, but don't let warm-up lead to fatigue. After exercise, recover with a cool-down. It all helps develop that winning edge. Permit me one additional comment. Anyone that has a time compulsion about the minutes spent in the relaxing (yes!) and invigorating experience that regular exercises provide, should reflect a moment or two about the importance of priorities in life. You will do better, and enjoy it all more, if you can back off a bit from the time constraints that now seem to be such an important consideration in your present life. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.