$Unique_ID{BRK01299} $Pretitle{} $Title{What is "Thalassemia"} $Subject{mediterranean rare diseases blood forming mediterranean's anemic thalassemia drugs heterosexual mediterraneans anemia thalassemias inherited anemias hemoglobin red cells cell cooley cooley's transfusion transfusions inherit} $Volume{N-7, D-7} $Log{ What is Anemia?*0009201.scf Symptoms of Anemia*0009202.scf Some Types of Anemia are Inherited*0009204.scf} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. What is "Thalassemia" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: A close relative has recently been diagnosed with "Thalassemia". He is 29 years old and has never used illegal drugs and is a heterosexual. Please tell me what you know about this disorder. Thank you very much. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Let me first put your mind at ease. Neither of the two life style situations that you mention have anything to do with the causes of thalassemia. The name of this blood disorder comes from the Greek word "thalassa" meaning "sea" because the condition was first observed in people who lived around the Mediterranean Sea, and is sometimes called "Mediterranean Anemia". Today, although common in Italians, Africans and individuals of Southeast Asian ancestry, the disease has a worldwide distribution. As a group, the thalassemias are chronic, inherited anemias that are due to errors in the synthesis of hemoglobin which affects the production of red cells. There are two main types, "thalassemia major" (sometimes called "Cooley's anemia") and "thalassemia minor". While the anemia may be severe in the "major" form, life expectancy for those with the "minor" form is normal. In severe types, there may be changes in bone structure, enlarged spleen, and impaired growth pattern in children. Since the anemia is caused by the body's inability to manufacture enough normal red cells, the only treatment available is transfusion, which in itself can provoke serious side effects and complications. However, since the disorder may be inherited in a number of ways, the severity of the disease may vary from one with few problems to one that is most severe and life threatening. The manner in which thalassemias are transmitted has received a great deal of study, and the ability for genetic counselors to advise prospective parents with this trait has been greatly enhanced. The fact that your relative has only been diagnosed at the age of 29 may indicate that he has the less severe form of the anemia, but only complete testing of his blood can tell. The fact that this is an inherited disease may make this answer of more than passing interest to you if you are a member of his family and a "blood" relative. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.