$Unique_ID{BRK01285} $Pretitle{} $Title{Why Do We Yawn and Why Does Everyone Seem to Do it at the Same Time?} $Subject{yawn cause ill defined symptoms symptom yawning inspiration lungs mouth alveoli air sacs breath respiratory pulmonary system behavior behaviors yawned yawns lung breathe breathing bronchi bronchioles} $Volume{N-23,H-5} $Log{ Anatomy of the Bronchial Tree*0005902.scf Anatomy of the Alveoli*0005903.scf} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Why Do We Yawn and Why Does Everyone Seem to Do it at the Same Time? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: Please do not laugh at my question, but since I have been unable to find an answer to it, I thought you might be able to help me. Quite simply I would like to know why we yawn, and why everyone seems to do it at the same time? Could you look up the answer for me, and put it in your column? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Actually, that is a very good question, since it may interest many people and so deserves an answer. I'll be honest. There has not been a tremendous amount of medical literature written about the process of yawning, but it certainly is something we all do at one time or another. Now, a yawn is not simply opening the mouth wide, but is usually accompanied by a deep inspiration, filling the lungs fully with air. That circumstance has lead to a theory that yawning has something to do with the physical state of our lungs at the time the yawn comes along. As we all know, the lung is filled with millions of minute air sacs called "alveoli" where oxygen is taken out of the air and transferred into the blood stream, for transportation to all the cells of the body. After we have been sitting for a prolonged period of time, perhaps in a slumped position, some of the air sacs collapse. When enough of them have been affected, the lung can not function as it should and so we yawn to re-expand all of the lung tissue once again. If we search for a logical reason for everyone yawning at the same time, it might be because they are all doing the same thing, sitting in a room with stale air, watching a show or television, not exerting themselves too much, a time when shallow breathing sets in. Therefore, it could be speculated that they would all need to yawn at the same time. Of course, it has also been written that yawning can be induced by the power of suggestion, and we sort of "catch" it from the next person. Or it could just mean the show was boring and the yawn was a display of disinterest. Now take a deep breath and take your pick. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.