$Unique_ID{BRK01278} $Pretitle{} $Title{Smoking and the Possibilities of Lung Cancer} $Subject{lungs smoking cancer community social respiratory system smoke cigarette coughing shortness breath chest pain cough blood tumor lump lumps cancerous metastasis anticancer drugs chemotherapy lung bronchi bronchioles bronchial pulmonary cancers smokes smoker smokers carcinoma } $Volume{Q-5, H-5} $Log{ The Effects of Smoking*0007301.scf} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Smoking and the Possibilities of Lung Cancer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: Your column and its many warnings about the dangers of smoking have finally gotten to me. I am still worried about the possibilities of lung cancer, however and would appreciate a better understanding of the disease and its treatment. Would you please oblige? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Congratulations, you've taken the single best step in preventing lung cancer. Lung cancer is among the leading causes of cancer death in the United States for both men and women, and cigarette smoking is by far the most common cause. Unfortunately, lung cancer usually remains undetected until a patient develops symptoms, and by that time it is pretty well advanced. Symptoms of lung cancer include coughing (the most common one), shortness of breath, dull chest pain, and coughing up blood. If you have any of these symptoms, see your physician without delay. Cancer is the rapid growth of what were once normal body cells. Lung cancer can take the form of a tumor (a lump of cancerous tissue) or may be spread out, with cancerous cells strewn among normal ones. A benign tumor contrasted with a cancer (or malignant growth) is one that essentially keeps to itself, but it may cause problems as it takes up space. A cancerous growth sends out cancer cells that grow elsewhere in the body in a process known as "metastasis" and is one of the reason early diagnosis and treatment is so important. There are many varieties of lung cancer and treatment for each varies, depending on where in the lung the tumor is and how advanced it is. The primary treatments for lung cancer are surgery, radiation and chemotherapy drugs. Surgery is used to remove as much cancerous tissue as possible, but if the patient is not in good enough shape to withstand an operation, surgery may not be an option. Radiation therapy may be also needed after surgery. Radiation kills fast-growing cells, such as cancer cells, but has the unwanted effect of killing some healthy cells also. Radiation is used for patients who have a disseminated type of cancer (one that is widely spread), since surgery simply can't get at and remove all these malignant cells. It can also be used after surgery, to destroy any cancer cells that may remain. The use of anticancer drugs, or chemotherapy, is usually reserved for a type of lung cancer known as small-cell lung cancer, which is a type that disseminates quickly and is usually well-advanced when it is detected. Anticancer drugs act similarly to radiation, in that they kill fast-growing cells. This is why a side effect of both radiation and chemotherapy is hair loss, since hair roots are cells that also grow quickly. Because many lung cancers are well-advanced by the time they are diagnosed, the percentages of people with this diagnosis who survive more than five years after diagnosis is certainly not as high as we all might wish for. This is a distressing situation that demands that we come up with improved early detection systems for lung cancer. The secret to increased survival lies in early detection techniques quickly followed by effective methods for treatment. The intensive campaign against smoking, which may annoy many uninformed people, must continue, to stop a major cause of cancer in the United States from remaining a hazard to life. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.