$Unique_ID{BRK01270} $Pretitle{} $Title{Are Floaters Dangerous?} $Subject{vision floaters eyes sense senses dots vitreous eye lines retina spots sight see seeing floater dot line torn retinas retinal tear tears spot Uveitis} $Volume{F-21} $Log{ Pathology of Uveitis*0016201.scf} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Are Floaters Dangerous? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I have a problem with my vision. Whenever I look at a bright surface, or up at the sky, I see dots and threadlike shapes swimming around. What are they? Are they dangerous? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: The shapes you're seeing are called floaters and they're clumps of gel that form in the vitreous, the clear, jellylike fluid that fills the eye. These dots and lines (they can also take the form of circles or cobwebs), are usually harmless and a natural part of aging. Floaters are especially common in nearsighted people or after a cataract operation. They often go away by themselves. When floaters crop up suddenly for no reason, though, or become dramatically worse, it's a good idea to see an eye doctor. Floaters can also signal a torn retina or, less commonly, inflammation or crystal-like deposits within the eye. All of these vision-threatening conditions arrive quite painlessly. By the way, the flashes of light some people see are much like floaters in that they're usually harmless. But, if they're accompanied by numerous floaters or a blacking out of part of your field of vision, again, see a professional. If your floaters have ever gotten in your line of vision, while you were reading, you're probably tried moving your eyes back and forth to get the floaters out of the way, and had little success. Next time, try looking up and down instead. This will create currents that carry the floater to a less sensitive part of the eye, and you can return to your reading without this annoyance. But don't experiment for too long a period of time without seeking professional evaluation of your problem. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.