$Unique_ID{BRK01231} $Pretitle{} $Title{What is a Pinched Nerve and How Can it be Treated?} $Subject{pinched nerve nerves sciatica nervous system systems transmitting transmit transmits message messages impulse impulses pinch pinches sciatic} $Volume{F-2} $Log{ Anatomy of the Spinal Cord*0006801.scf Anatomy of the Spinal Arteries*0006802.scf Anatomy of the Somesthetic System and Motor Cortex*0006803.scf} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. What is a Pinched Nerve and How Can it be Treated? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: Some time ago, I submitted a letter to you that asked numerous medical questions, perhaps too many for you to address. Therefore I am sending you this letter and will appreciate you addressing the condensed question. What is a pinched nerve and how can it be treated? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Yes, it is always better for both of us if the question can be answered in the space I have in this column. Nerves are much like electric cables or wires, transmitting messages or impulses from one section of our body to another. As a nerve runs along its path, it must pass through holes in bones, between bones, between, under or through muscles, ligaments and tendons. Usually there is ample room for the nerve to pass, but when the passage way is reduced, the surrounding tissue can press upon the nerve or "pinch" it. Using sciatica as an example, a condition in which pain radiates along the course of the sciatic nerve, often into the buttocks and back of the leg. Such pain may be caused by pressure on the nerve from compression of the nerve as it passes through the space between the vertebrae by new bone growths, as in osteoarthritis. Each case of "pinched nerve" must be evaluated to discover its specific cause, and directing the treatment to removing it. And that may be a difficult task. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.