$Unique_ID{BRK01195} $Pretitle{} $Title{The Importance of Hernia Repair} $Subject{femoral hernia bowel repair surgery digestive genitourinary system systems inguinal hernias intestines indirect abdominal fascia scrotum incarceration incarcerations intestine intestinal tract scrotum scrotums bowels} $Volume{I-15,J-12} $Log{ Indirect Inguinal Hernia*0004301.scf Direct Inguinal Hernia*0004302.scf Femoral Hernia*0004303.scf} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. The Importance of Hernia Repair ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I am writing on behalf of my boyfriend. He says he has a hernia, but refuses to go see about it. Over the years it has gotten bigger and is now the size of a softball. He believes as long as he can push it back he'll be all right. Please give me any information you have, because I don't know anything about the subject at all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: It is obvious from your letter that your boyfriend doesn't have a clear understanding of his condition either. And he may not be the only one, as hernias are quite common in the general population with about 15 people out of 1000 bothered by the problem. A hernia occurs when a loop of bowel or intestines pushes through an abnormal opening. The most common is the "indirect" hernia, which accounts for from 50 percent to 75 percent of all hernias. This type of hernia usually develops in men under the age of 30. In these cases the gut pushes through a weak point in the sheet of tissue that lines the inner abdominal wall (the abdominal fascia) and passes through a canal into the scrotum. Although there may be few symptoms the swelling is easily noticed, and as the opening becomes larger the hernia may seem to grow. When the intestines push through the wall of the abdomen as a result of a weakness, producing a bulge in groin area, it is termed a "direct" hernia and is seen most frequently in men over the age of 40. Although these bulges may be pushed back easily, or held in place with belts, the danger lies in a complication of hernias known as "incarceration" where the gut becomes stuck in the position, and may require emergency surgery to correct the situation. These incarcerations may also cause the circulation to the trapped intestines to become blocked, in which case the bowel becomes "strangulated", can easily die, and become a life threatening situation. Repair of the hernia is the answer, and is one of the most common surgical procedures performed. Your boyfriend will need a bit of time for recuperation after the operation, from two to three months while the surgery heals, during which activities will gradually be increased from walking to full exercise. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.