$Unique_ID{BRK01192} $Pretitle{} $Title{Bald Spots From Hair Pulling Habit} $Subject{hair pulling compulsion skin subcutaneous tissue bald spots trichotillomania alopecia plucking loss scalp telogen follicles social pull compulsive balding pluck} $Volume{L-20,Q-20} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Bald Spots From Hair Pulling Habit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: Since about age 15 I have had a habit of pulling my hair out one strand at a time. I am now 26 and have several bald spots and am getting rather embarrassed. A friend told me that read that there is a name for this habit but she couldn't remember it and I am wondering if there is a prescription medicine that can help me? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: There is indeed a name for this disturbing habit and it is not an easy one to remember. However, if you take the word "trichotillomania" apart, it begins to make sense. The Greek word for hair is "trichos", another Greek word "tillein" means "to pull", and "mania" translates into "madness". The term trichotillomania is applied to a type of alopecia or baldness, that results when a person keeps pulling, tugging or plucking at the hair. The pattern of the hair loss can be pretty bizarre, and an attempt at concealing the loss may be made by rather unusual hair style. The disorder is seen most frequently in children and elderly women, but may carry over from childhood in to the adult years as in your case. The diagnosis is clear when the history reveals the habit, but in cases that are less evident, the diagnosis can be made by examining the hairs which show evidence of being broken, or by biopsy of the scalp which may reveal increased numbers of resting (telogen) hair follicles. I know of no prescription medication that can directly affect the problem, which requires psychological counseling and treatment. However, prescription medication may be used as an aid during the course of the counseling sessions. Depending upon the amount of loss and the location of the bald spots, the regrowth of new hair that takes place after the hair pulling has stopped can cover the denuded areas in a relatively short period of time. And then your days of embarrassment will be over. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.