$Unique_ID{BRK01191} $Pretitle{} $Title{Large Breasts in a Man} $Subject{breast male gynecomastia breasts endocrine gland glands adolescent adolescence hormone hormones tissues obesity} $Volume{C-19} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Large Breasts in a Man ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I recently heard a story about a man developing rather large breasts. The word to describe it sounded like "gymnast", but I know that can't be correct. Could you please discuss this condition and give me the right name? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: You're pretty close. The correct medical term is "gynecomastia", and comes from two Greek words meaning "woman" and "breast" thus, breasts like a woman. Gynecomastia means any benign glandular enlargement in the breasts of males. It is a relatively common disorder, with several causes such as obesity, aging, and certain drugs. Only rarely is it caused by a serious medical problem--but in adolescent males, it can be a very difficult emotional and psychological problem to deal with. All normal adult male breasts contain most of the major elements found in female breasts. Everyone's breasts are sensitive to hormones, so male breast enlargement may be associated with an overabundance, or lack, of certain hormones. In many adolescent males (one study suggests about 20 percent of men in that age group develop gynecomastia), breast enlargements develop and after a while disappear. Yet sometimes the enlargements do not go away. When that occurs, medical decisions need to be made rapidly before psychological damage is done to those young men. Approximately 60 percent of all men from 45 to 60 years old may develop some breast enlargement. Incidences of gynecomastia in adult men appears to increase with age. It is most often observed between the ages of 50 and 60. As many as 30 percent of all adult males may have some evidence of gynecomastia at some point in their lives and more than 90 percent of them experience enlargement of both breasts. Nevertheless, breast enlargement on only one side of a man's chest is seen. There virtually is no evidence that directly links gynecomastia to breast cancer. Male breast cancer is rare, accounting for less than one percent of all cancers in men. However, any enlargement in men or women should be examined by a physician. Also, if there is bloody discharge from a nipple or a firm, nodular mass within the breast area, a medical examination should be made immediately. Some things are known to cause gynecomastia. Among them are: overconsumption of alcohol, kidney diseases, diseases that cause a decrease in male hormone levels, severe changes in eating patterns, thyroid malfunctions, certain tumors, all forms of estrogen--including estrogen in hair preparations and vaginal creams, Tagamet, Aldactone, Nizoral, and the digitalis-cytotoxic drugs (a few are Crystodigin, Lanoxin, and Velban). When gynecomastia is caused by drugs, it often develops rapidly and usually will disappear shortly after their use is stopped. Things that many suspect cause gynecomastia include: lung diseases, chest injuries, psychological stress, marijuana, heroin, and some antidepressant drugs. Treatment for gynecomastia includes discontinuing the use of drugs and other substances that might cause it, treating any physical condition that could have produced it, and possibly surgery, to remove excess tissue. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.