$Unique_ID{BRK01135} $Pretitle{Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue, Special Procedures and Laboratory Tests} $Title{The Proper Care of Blisters on the Feet} $Subject{skin blister blisters needle first aid Skin antibiotic antiseptic ointment ointments cream creams} $Volume{L-20} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. The Proper Care of Blisters on the Feet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: Can you please help by settling a discussion between two sisters? It's about the proper care of blisters on the feet. I still abide by the precautions my mother taught me, and break the blister with a carefully sterilized needle, and then put a bandage on. My sister claims that is old fashioned and that modern antibiotic ointments are the proper solution. Which treatment is the correct one? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Frankly I am not impressed by either method, and certainly vote against the old sewing needle procedure. A blister is formed as a natural protection for the injured tissue beneath and the correct manner of dealing with these frequent annoyances is to keep it intact, clean and dry. Removing the protection of the skin by puncturing the blister is an open invitation to infection. Try an ice pack first to reduce any swelling or inflammation, and then prepare a bandage or dressing with a hole in the middle to preserve the blister but protect the area against further rubbing or friction. You may find ready to use moleskin bandages of this type at your pharmacy. If the blister does break open, wash the area carefully with soap and water, dry completely, and then you may apply an ointment or cream containing an antibiotic or antiseptic, keeping the broken skin in place as it is the best covering of all. A sterile bandage to cover the sore area completes the treatment. Of course you must now check your shoes to find the cause of the blister, and remedy that situation or face the possibility of more blisters the next time out. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.