$Unique_ID{BRK01126} $Pretitle{} $Title{Is There Some Other Way to Treat Arthritis Than Taking Pills?} $Subject{arthritis treatment treatments medication medications Musculoskeletal Connective Tissue tissues autoimmune analgesic aspirin NSAIDS acetaminophen} $Volume{R-17,U-17,M-17} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Is There Some Other Way to Treat Arthritis Than Taking Pills? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: Some time ago you wrote in a caring manner to a woman who didn't take her pills though her doctor had prescribed them. Now I wonder if you have some similar words of advice for those of us who have arthritis. I was diagnosed recently and now have to take pills for the rest of my life! I have talked to others who hate to take pills everyday. Is there some other way you might suggest? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: I would be happy to describe some alternative measures that I know can help you and others with similar problems. Most important of all is the proper blend of rest and activity, enough activity to keep your joints moving and flexible and enough rest to allow painful joints (as well as tendons and muscles) to recuperate from their efforts. Sometimes an aid to walking, such as cane or walkers, provide just enough assistance to joints that are overstressed to reduce the pain level considerably. Some times a splint or brace may be required, but that's for you and your doctor to decide. Exercise is a wonderful help, particularly when it can be accomplished in the supportive environment of a pleasantly heated pool. Check around at local facilities for such classes, they are more and more available. Heat as well as gentle massage can do wonders for an aching joint and painful muscles. While any heating device is helpful, moist heat is a bit better than just a hot water bottle, and moist heating pads, hot soaks, or just a session in a hot tub can do much to reduce the pain. Careful, though; check the temperatures carefully first to avoid burns, a not infrequent complication of over zealous use of heat. But don't cast aside all the help that medications can provide when used properly. There is no shame in the regular and appropriate use of an analgesic, nor will you become a "junkie" from taking oral medication such as aspirin, NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen and many others) and acetaminophen, and the help they offer can be the difference between complete relief and unnecessary suffering. Medications taken on a regular schedule are more effective than when taken just once in a while when the pain becomes too much to bear. Taking these medications under a doctor's direction in correct dosages, along with the use of some of these tips, may offer you the relief you surely deserve. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.