$Unique_ID{BRK01123} $Pretitle{} $Title{What Should be Done for Sudden Severe Allergic Shock?} $Subject{allergic anaphylactic shock allergy allergies anaphylaxis first aid Accidents accident allergen itching tightness throat wheezing abdominal pain diarrhea vascular collapse lightheaded strenuous exercise itching skin blotch blotches respiratory tract obstruction choking epinephrine} $Volume{O-0,U-0} $Log{ The Process of an Allergic Reaction*0001201.scf Histamine Release Causes Allergy Symptoms*0001202.scf} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. What Should be Done for Sudden Severe Allergic Shock? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: We almost lost our neighbor due to a sudden and severe allergic shock. We think it was from a bee sting, but no one knows for certain. Would you please explain what happened, and what should be done for this emergency? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: You're referring to anaphylactic shock. It is a very severe form of allergic reaction, and it results from being exposed to an allergen that you are extremely allergic to. Some people are very sensitive to certain foods (shellfish is a common one), drugs or to bee stings, as you mention. In fact, fatal anaphylactic reactions to penicillin are estimated at one fatality per 100,000 injections. Seventy-five percent of all fatal anaphylactic reactions are the result of penicillin. However, anaphylactic shock can result from exposure to almost any allergen, and can occur without warning, when no problem has been experienced with that product before. You asked what happens in anaphylactic shock. The symptoms may vary some, but they often involve itching, a tightness in the throat, wheezing, abdominal pain and diarrhea. Collapse of the vascular system is an ominous sign, and it often occurs in fatal anaphylactic shock. The first symptoms may include a generalized flushed, lightheaded feeling, and usually occur in 20 to 30 minutes after exposure. Treatment depends on the severity of the reaction; if life-threatening symptoms are present, immediate treatment with epinephrine (adrenalin) and CPR may be necessary. The very best treatment for anaphylaxis is avoiding known allergens. Recently, some new causes of anaphylaxis have been identified, and more information is being gathered on these causes. Even exercise has been implicated in some cases of anaphylactic shock. It occurs with prolonged, strenuous exercise, starts about 30 minutes after beginning exercise, and can produce intense itching, blotches on the skin, respiratory tract obstruction and choking sensations. Other recently identified anaphylaxis producers are food preservatives, aspirin, steroids, dialysis, various vaccines and human semen. If you know you have an allergy, avoid the product that causes you problems. Repeated exposures can create more and more risk for severe reactions. Know what you are allergic to and how you are likely to come into contact with it. Seek the help of a physician who specializes in allergy diagnosis and treatment; recent advances in allergy diagnosis may identify your allergens with accuracy and convenience that has not been possible before. Notify all health care providers of your allergies, and talk with family members and co-workers about what to do in an allergy emergency. Wear an identifying necklace or bracelet if you are prone to allergy problems. Persons who have suffered anaphylaxis sometimes carry emergency kits containing epinephrine. If you and your doctor feel this is a good idea for you, learn to use the injection, and teach those around you to use it. Keep in mind, however, that epinephrine is a powerful drug that can cause serious side effects if it is used unnecessarily, so use it wisely. Learn to recognize the early signs of an allergic reaction, and get treatment promptly before the situation becomes an unmanageable emergency. Allergies can develop at any time, even to foods, drugs and products you've never had a problem with. So know the symptoms of allergic reaction and be prepared to take the right actions if they occur. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.