$Unique_ID{BRK01102} $Pretitle{} $Title{Is it True That Vitamins Are a Good Source of Energy?} $Subject{fatigue tired vitamins Ill Defined Symptoms symptom multiple vitamin balance nutrition nutritions nutrient nutrients food foods balanced diet diets} $Volume{N-26} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Is it True That Vitamins Are a Good Source of Energy? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I am sometimes so tired that I just want to get home from work and go to bed. A check up by my physician has shown that I am normal and healthy. My wife thinks that I need some vitamins to perk me up and that this simple answer is the solution to my energy problem. Is it true that vitamins are a good source of energy, and may overcome my fatigue? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Probably the most common complaint that a physician hears is one of weariness, fatigue and a plain old feeling of being "too tired to do anything". The causes of real fatigue are many and varied, and may be found not only in disease states but in life styles and psychological problems as well. I am going to buy your physician's findings that all is normal in your case, and confine my answer to your question, rather than a solution to your problem. Vitamins are indeed necessary in any well balanced diet, but it is the calories in your food that really provide the energy and there are simply no calories in vitamins. However, vitamins are needed to help convert the calories in food into the energy your body requires to carry on its daily functions. While vitamins can not supply calories, vitamin supplements may help if your present diet doesn't contain the necessary amount of vitamins to provide this vital service for your system. In these circumstances, taking a daily multiple vitamin preparation can put your nutrition back into balance, and restore your feelings of pep and vigor. Of course a good look at your work and sleeping habits, as well as your daily ration of exercise and relaxation, may also provide you with precious clues that may lead to the answer you seek. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.