$Unique_ID{BRK01097} $Pretitle{} $Title{What are "Maladie de Horton" Disease and Giant Cell Arteritis?} $Subject{Maladie de Horton Giant Cell cells temporal arteritis Circulatory artery arteries inflammatory disease aortic arch branches autoimmune reaction fever weakness appetite loss weight neck shoulders hip-pelvic throbbing piercing headache headaches blurred double vision sight corticosteroids blood sedimentation sed rate rates shoulder hips} $Volume{G-4,U-4} $Log{ Temporal Arteritis Headaches*0003901.scf} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. What are "Maladie de Horton" Disease and Giant Cell Arteritis? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I am an American living in France-Vichy. A friend living in Daytona suggested that I write to you in reference to a sickness named "Maladie de Horton" which I have. Would you be kind enough to give me the details of this sickness? QUESTION: I would appreciate any information you could give me on the condition called Giant Cell Arteritis. A 70 year old woman diagnosed as having this condition has been given very little information as to the prognosis, complications and treatment. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: At first glance, it would seem that I have two different diseases to deal with here, but the fact is that they are one and the same. Perhaps better known in this country as "temporal arteritis," both Horton's and Giant Cell Arteritis are but other names for a chronic generalized inflammatory disease of the branches of the aortic arch, principally found in the temporal and occipital arteries. Rarely seen in individuals under the age of 50, it is most frequent in women over the age of 80. Although no specific cause has been identified, research and clinical data makes the probability of an autoimmune reaction most likely. The name "Giant Cell" comes from the appearance of the affected tissues when biopsied and examined under the microscope, where giant cells may be seen in great profusion. The beginnings of the disease may be either acute or gradual, and frequently seem to imitate a viral or flu like disease with low-grade fever, aches and pains, severe weakness, loss of appetite and weight loss. Usually there are some associated muscle aches and pains in the neck, shoulders and hip-pelvic area. There is a characteristic severe throbbing or piercing headache over the temporal areas on one or both sides, and the area may be tender, red and swollen. About half the patients have visual symptoms ranging from blurred vision, double vision to loss of sight. Apart from the classical signs and symptoms, the red cell sedimentation rate (sed rate) is markedly elevated, but in view of the length and importance of the therapy, a tissue biopsy should be obtained to make the diagnosis. As soon as the diagnosis is suspected, however, high doses of corticosteroids (such as prednisone) should be administered, as much as 60 mg/day until the symptoms subside, sometimes in just a few days, and the sed rate returns to normal (usually from 2 to 4 weeks). Such prompt and high dosage therapy can do much to prevent visual loss or blindness. Therapy with smaller doses may continue for two years or longer, and patients should be checked regularly with monitoring of the sed rate to detect early signs of possible relapses, which frequently occur. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.