$Unique_ID{BRK01092} $Pretitle{} $Title{What is a "Strangulated Navel"?} $Subject{strangulated navel hernia hernias Digestive gangrenous umbilical intestine intestine intestinal loops loop bowel bowels incarcerated} $Volume{I-12} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. What is a "Strangulated Navel"? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: At age 29 I have a pea-sized lump above my navel which hurts when pressed. A friend, an EMT, suggested that it is a "strangulated navel" which surgery could correct. Could you please explain the term and give me an idea as to what could be done? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Whenever a loop of bowel, a bit of tissue, or organ protrudes through an abnormal opening, the abdominal wall in this case, it is called a "hernia". If the blood supply to the protruding tissue becomes cut off because of swelling or constriction, it is called "strangulated". This is a serious condition, for if it is not corrected rapidly, the tissue may become gangrenous. An ordinary hernia through the navel is known as an "umbilical" hernia, and is most frequently seen in newborns, rarely becomes strangulated, and closes by itself after several years, rarely requiring surgery. If this hernia exists in an adult, it could become strangulated, and depending upon the size of the opening, could be closed using simple surgical techniques. Another condition that can develop in hernias is a situation where the loop of bowel gets "stuck" in the opening and can not be pushed back into the abdomen. This is classified as an "incarcerated" hernia, and may or may not be strangulated. As with so many questions, the answer can only be determined after a careful examination. It is possible that in your case little need be done, as the hernia seems quite small. However, I should advise you not to let the condition go any longer without real medical attention, for the results could be serious. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.