$Unique_ID{BRK01089} $Pretitle{} $Title{The Dangers of Shoveling Snow} $Subject{snow shovel shoveling hazardous hazards heart attack attacks Community Social Circulatory exercise exercising pain chest neck arm arms abdomen weakness cold sweat shortness breath nausea behavior behaviors lifestyle lifestyles} $Volume{Q-3, Q-23} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. The Dangers of Shoveling Snow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: When the snow falls, and covers our walk, my 67 year old husband becomes Mr. Macho himself, and decides that a little shoveling is just the exercise he needs to get fit and make up for the hours he spends sitting in his chair and watching television. I keep telling him it could kill him, but he doesn't listen. Maybe some words from you can get through, and save his life as well as others. Please help. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: That white stuff seems so light as it floats gently to earth, that it is easy to believe that little effort is needed to brush it aside or shovel it off the walk. Don't be fooled; shoveling snow is real work, requiring a good deal of muscle power and energy to accomplish the task. And to a "couch potato" who is unaccustomed to the physical effort, there may be a real danger of heart attack, which is increased if he is carrying around a few extra pounds. However, there are a few simple tips that can help get the job done safely, and they apply as well to those who consider themselves to be in good shape. Treat the shoveling job as you would any vigorous exercise, and start by warming up gradually, throwing in a few stretching maneuvers as well. Take your time, proceeding at a leisurely pace, with frequent stops and several minutes of rest. Keep the load light, by only partially filling the shovel. Protect your back as well by grasping the handle near the blade, assuming a balanced position with knees slightly flexed, to help take up the load. Good sense demands that you dress properly against the cold, wearing a hat and gloves, warm boots or shoes, and several layers of roomy clothing. After the heavy work is finished, take 10 to 15 minutes to cool down gradually, with activity slowing up over time. Smoking, alcoholic or caffeine containing beverages during or after exposure to cold can affect circulation and further tax the heart. Above all, play it very smart. Any pain in the chest, neck, arms or abdomen, weakness, cold sweat, shortness of breath, or nausea are signals from your body that something is wrong, and that emergency medical attention is needed at once. Don't try to "tough it out". And if all these cautions and rules have made you think twice, then pay heed to your wife, and give the kids down the block a few bucks to do the job for you. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.