$Unique_ID{BRK01085} $Pretitle{} $Title{Will Loss of Sleep Cause any Harm?} $Subject{sleep loss retirement home homes aging age old older elderly geriatric sleeping needs need napping nap naps behavior behaviors} $Volume{T-23} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Will Loss of Sleep Cause any Harm? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: Some time ago, my wife and I moved to this retirement facility, so that we would have a bit more social life than was possible before. However, ever since we arrived I have been unable to sleep well, and only get a few hours a night. Will this loss of sleep cause me any harm? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: It is not how many hours of sleep that count, or even if the sleep is light or interrupted that is important but rather how well you rested. If you still feel perky in the morning, no matter what pattern your sleep took, you are fine, and no harm will occur. With advancing age, and with a change in your home environment, you have some very understandable reasons for a change in the amount and type of sleep you are now experiencing. As we grow older our sleep needs change, so that we spend more time awake in bed than before, have less light and less deep sleep, but our bodies function just as well. There are a number of things you might consider that could be causing your sleep habits to change. They include various medications that you might be taking; blood pressure pills, cortisone like medications, various antidepressants and antihistamines. You might wish to discuss these with your doctor. Then too, aches and pains, the need to visit the bathroom, irregular heart beats, difficulty in breathing, outside noises you have yet to become accustomed to, and even your wife's snoring (does she?) can all contribute to breaking up a night's rest. Are you napping more during the day? If so, that too can be contributing to making your night sleep at night less satisfying. Try a few of these suggestions, in addition to correcting any of the situations I have outlined. While you should establish a regular routine for retiring and arising, it may help to stay up a bit longer, and participate in some relaxing activity. Stay away from stimulants like coffee or tea in the evening. If you suffer from a condition that causes a chronic pain, ask your doctor to help you change the schedule of pain medication so that you take one before retiring. Review your problem with your physician, who should have some insight about you and may have just the remedy you need. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.