$Unique_ID{BRK01077} $Pretitle{} $Title{Is There a Treatment for Varicose Veins That Does Not Require Surgery?} $Subject{varicose veins vein Circulatory compression sclerotherapy superficial surgical elastic stockings stocking sclerosing solution solutions sodium tetradactyl sulfate} $Volume{G-4} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Is There a Treatment for Varicose Veins That Does Not Require Surgery? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: My legs look terrible, as they are crisscrossed with many unsightly varicose veins, which I have in both legs. I understand that a treatment is available that does not require surgery for the removal of the veins. Do you know of any such treatment and how does it work? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: I think you're alluding to a type of treatment called "compression sclerotherapy" which is useful for treating superficial varicose veins. A sclerosing solution (used to thicken walls of the vein and obliterate it, causing it to collapse) composed of 3% sodium tetradactyl sulfate is injected into the veins. Anywhere from three to ten injections can be made into each leg. After the injections, the leg is tightly bandaged. These bandages are only removed after the medication has had a chance to act. If the varicose veins are small and not too prominent, many people can be satisfied with the results which are obtained from surgical elastic stockings, which can control varicose veins in many individuals. Using these stockings properly, putting them on each morning while still in bed when the veins have diminished during the night, and wearing them faithfully all day every day, may be just enough to allow the veins to return to normal size and function. These stockings are frequently used after most types of treatments for varicose veins, to help in healing and maintaining good results. Incidentally, even with surgical stripping, where varicose veins are actually removed, between 33% and 45% of all patients will need additional treatment using compressive sclerotherapy for residual or recurrent varicose veins. Although the cosmetic results in each of these procedures may not be all you desire, treatment can prevent the condition from progressing. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.