$Unique_ID{BRK01071} $Pretitle{} $Title{What is "Scoliosis"?} $Subject{scoliosis back Musculoskeletal curvature curving curved spine muscle stretching strengthening braces surgical realignment surgery surgeries operation operations rod rods external internal fixation family history Inherited genetic} $Volume{M-17,V-17} $Log{ Curved Spine due to Scoliosis*0006301.scf Types of Scoliosis: Kyphosis and Lordosis*0006302.scf Distortion of the Rib Cage due to Scoliosis*0006303.scf Types of Curves Found in Scoliosis*0006304.scf Scoliosis is an Inherited Disease*0006305.scf} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. What is "Scoliosis"? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: Our school provides regular exams by the school nurse to make sure that all is developing correctly. After just such an exam, I received a note from the nurse stating that my daughter was developing a condition named "scoliosis", and required a physician's examination. Please help me by explaining this condition in your column. Thank you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: It is imperative that you take the advice of the school nurse and see your physician. Most of the cases of scoliosis (a medical name for curvature of the spine) are discovered in just such school screening examinations, and medical referral is always indicated. No one is sure just what the cause of scoliosis is, but we do know some important things. Young girls fall prey to this condition about twice as frequently as boys, and their curvature is usually worse. If there is a history of scoliosis in the family, the chance of a child developing it is about three times more likely. Treatment will depend upon the amount of curvature detected on x-rays. If there's a curve of less than 20 degrees from normal, most cases are merely observed closely without any treatment other than a program of exercises, muscle stretching and strengthening. When the curvature is between 20 degrees and 40 degrees, patients are generally treated with braces. A great number of different types of braces are now being used in the United States, and the use of lightweight plastic has made this type of treatment much more acceptable to youngsters, who can wear them under their clothing and have a great deal of freedom of motion. However, once the brace is in place, the patient must wear it almost constantly, up to 23 hours a day, only removing it for bathing and exercise. Treatment with braces will continue until the spine matures and has reached its full growth, which will be detectable on x-ray. When the degree of curvature exceeds 40 degrees, surgical techniques must be resorted to. These techniques seek to realign the spine and to fix it into position with the use of rods or other means of external or internal fixation. Correcting scoliosis in a timely fashion prevents the development of complications which can occur later, including neurological disturbances. It isn't easy for a youngster to undergo all of the procedures necessary to correct scoliosis, but it's very important. They will need a lot of understanding and counselling, and though your family physician may not be the one to perform all the surgery, he can help you over some of the rough times as you work for that wonderful day when braces may be cast aside and your child will stand straight and erect. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.