$Unique_ID{BRK01052} $Pretitle{} $Title{What is the Best Method for Removing Specks from the Eyes?} $Subject{eyes foreign body first aid Sense senses protective eyewear safety glasses goggles rubbing rub eye blink blinking speck dust specks} $Volume{F-21} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. What is the Best Method for Removing Specks from the Eyes? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: The dust really flies when I am at work, and it seems that it always finds its way into my eyes. I guess I have to accept that fact if I am going to continue to earn my keep, but would like your opinion as to the best method for removing these annoying specks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Your question permits me to speculate a bit about your occupation. I would have to presume that you may be working for yourself, perhaps in one of the many construction skills. The reason I say that is that had you been working for a larger organization, the idea of eye protection and eye safety might have been translated into a mandatory requirement that protective eyewear be worn while you work. But your question warrants answering in that statistics tell us that in the over 325,000 eye injuries treated in United States hospitals' emergency rooms each year, almost half occur in and around the home, so my first advice to everyone, either in industry or those who enjoy working around the house, is to utilize safety glasses or goggles when involved in activities that can result in eye injury. However, if you do get a speck of dirt, dust or other foreign matter in the eye, here are some simple rules. - DO NOT rub the eye. That may be hard to do as the eye may itch and burn. - DO blink rapidly, as that will help your own tears to wash out the speck. - TRY to lift the upper eyelid over the lower lid so that the lashes may brush the speck off the inside of the upper lid. However, don't try this if your eyelashes are covered with mascara or other cosmetics. - IRRIGATE THE EYE. This may be done by pouring tepid tap water over the eye while holding the lids open or by submerging your face under the water in a basin and blinking very rapidly. If the speck remains, it is imperative that you seek medical help. First aid for eye situations are fine, but when even a minor situation is handled improperly, serious injury with the possibility of loss of vision or blindness may occur, so take no chances with the precious gift of sight. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.